Das Business

Alle Apps für den modernen Profi. Sortiert!



  • Business Apps: neue Suite von professionellen Apps in der  Business Center stellt Enterprise Services wie E-Mail-Marketing und Social Publishing zur Verfügung jede Größe Geschäft. Komm voran!
    • Das MileIQ app verfolgt Ihre Geschäftsmeilen und stellt auch den monatlichen Kontobericht bereit. Wischen, klicken - fertig!
    • Das Rechnungs app ermöglicht es Ihnen, Angebote zu generieren und in Rechnungen zu konvertieren. Synchronisiert mit Quickbooks accounts:  Kunden können online bezahlen mit PayPal, Banküberweisung oder sammeln via Lastschrift ( GoCardless).
    • Gebrauch machen von Verbindungen um ein E-Mail-Marketing-Master zu werden. Gebaut auf SendGrid (wie von verwendet Uber, LinkedIn und AirBnB).
    • Das Rechnungs app:


Was wir mögen...

Ein Muss für jeden Geschäftsinhaber oder Manager und für wichtige Arbeiter sein. Der Wettbewerbsvorteil mit den neuen Apps ist erstaunlich; Wir sagen voraus, dass Adopters vor den Konkurrenten springen wird und Gewinnen Sie neues Geschäft durch digitales Marketing.Dank der einfachen Angebotserstellung und Fakturierung können sich Business-Manager auf das Wachstum konzentrieren, und der Profi steigert dank zeitsparender App-Funktionen die Rendite.   Wir sind erstaunt, dass Microsoft so viel für den Preis einbringen kann: ( pro /monat ) Das ist zusätzlich zu den zuvor teuren Vollversion Softwarelizenzen wie Publisher und Access, Zusätzlich zu den anderen Office-Vollversionen, die auf 5 Geräten installiert werden können!

Amazing value

Wir würden argumentieren, dass die neuen Apps den Abo-Preis wert sind. Aber vergiss nicht die Kern-Goodies, die in diesem Abo enthalten sind:

  • Teams – chat | share | video | audio
  • Skype for Business – host online meetings for up to 250 people; no extra charges.
  • Sharepoint and Outlook – 1TB company data and 50GB personal mailbox
  • OneNote and Lens – once on your mobile, these apps become like a Swiss army knife into your workload
  • Forms and Flow – create complex forms and capture the data into spreadsheets. Flow that data into automated tasks.
  • Full version software: Outlook | Word | Excel | PowerPoint | Access | Publisher
  • Freedom to install the software onto Windows PCs | Apple Macs | iPads | Android tablets | phones - up to 5 devices

Case studies


Fishs Eddy

Fishs Eddy - pottery
Julie Gaines of Fishs Eddy
Julie Gaines

As our business continued to grow and evolve, it was absolutely critical that our software follow along with us. Before Outlook, my system was index cards...our technology was all over the place. People had a lot of data on their local computers, some on our server...we really needed to move our data and programs to the cloud...I find the Microsoft Office programs very intuitive. I picked them up quickly, and everything makes sense...read more


Air Zermat

Air Zermat - helicopter
Gerold Biner of Air Zermat
Gerold Biner

Every day you can feel a certain pressure. You have to make schedules for all the employees...all the data collected - bills | statistics. We had reached a limit where the paper could not fulfil all the needs...We had an easy transition from paper into the cloud. And with Office 365, I can stay more focused on what I love—watching the world go by at 200 miles an hour...read more


Estate Agents

Mile IQ app in car
Shauna Stokes - Estage Agent
Shauna Stokes

I live in my car. So I would log miles myself - pen and paper - but then if I got busy, then I would miss a whole week...If it's something that's actually going to help me, then I'm all for it! It gives me back time. It gives me back money...I get a report from Mile IQ, and I send that right over to my tax guy, and you're good to go!..read more


Excel user

Data Journalist David McCandless
David McCandless - Data Journalist
David McCandless

80% of my work is data - Excel spreadsheets - for me, it's indispensable...When the first visualization is generated within Excel, you see the relationships, the significance - you see it immediately. What was the world like before Excel was invented? It was kind of medieval!...read more


Aston Martin

Aston Martin brand
Mark Stringer of Aston Martin
Mark Stringer

Microsoft collaboration tools are invaluable. I remember one morning on the test track with the DB11, we were collecting performance updates to present to the board of directors that afternoon. It was getting late and as I drove back to Gaydon, my colleague in the back seat worked on a laptop...to add the final stats to our Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and upload it to OneDrive. Back at Gaydon, we walked directly into the meeting, our presentation finalized and ready to go....read more

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